DIY Fall Starbucks drinks


Hello! Today I decided to share with you some recipes that you can try at home to recreate your favorite fall drinks from Starbucks. It will cost you half the amount you would spend there and it will still taste really good.

Olá! Hoje decidi partilhar algumas receitas que podes experimentar em casa, para recriar as tuas bebidas de outono favoritas do Starbucks, por metade do preço.

Java Chip frappuccino 
In a blender, add chocolate chips, milk, an expresso, ice and a spoon of chocolate syrup and then start blending. When the drink is ready, pour it into a cup and top it with chocolate syrup and whipped cream (you can also add some chocolate syrup on top of the whipped cream, if you want to).

Num liquidificador, adiciona pepitas de chocolate, leite, café, gelo e uma colher de sopa de calda de chocolate e mistura tudo. Quando a bebida estiver pronta, põe-na num copo e adiciona calda de chocolate no topo e, depois, chantilly (se quiseres, podes, também, adicionar calda de chocolate em cima do chantilly). 

Salted caramel mocha
In a blender, add milk, an expresso, caramel topping, cocoa powder, sugar and a pinch of sea salt and then start blending. When the drink is ready, pour it into a cup and then top it with caramel topping and whipped cream (if you want to, add the caramel topping also on top of the whipped cream). 

Num liquidificador, adiciona leite, café, topping de caramelo, cacau em pó, açúcar e uma pitada de sal e mistura tudo. Quando a bebida estiver pronta, põe-na num copo e adiciona topping de caramelo e, depois, chantilly (se quiseres, podes, também, adicionar topping de caramelo em cima do chantilly). 

Pumpkin spice latte
In a pan, cook some pumpkin in boiling water. When it is cooked, add 1/4 of a spoon of nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger and some sugar. Transfer this mixture to a blender and add an expresso and then start bending. When the drink is ready, pour it into a mug and top it with whipped cream and some cinnamon. 

Num tacho, coze alguma abóbora em água a ferver. Quando estiver cozida, adiciona 1/4 de colher de noz moscada, canela e gengibre e algum açúcar. Transfere esta mistura para um liquidificador e adiciona café e depois começa a misturar. Quando a bebida estiver pronta, transfere-a para uma caneca e adiciona chantilly e alguma canela no topo.  

Hot chocolate (with marshmallows!)
In a pan, mix together cocoa powder, some sugar, milk and vanilla extract. When this mixture is hot, pour it into a mug and add some marshmallows on top and then put it in the oven for about 5 minutes. Then top it with some chocolate topping. 

Num tacho, mistura cacau em pó, açúcar, leite e extrato de baunilha. Quando esta mistura estiver quente, muda-a para uma caneca e adiciona alguns marshmallows no topo e depois põe-na no forno durante cerca de 5 minutos. Coloca, por fim, calda de chocolate no topo. 

Hope you liked this post! Rita and I had so much fun preparing these drinks! Let us know in the comments if you try them! 
Mariana xx

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