Last night


As I told you in the last post, yesterday we had a huge party here in Oporto. If you have no idea of what I'm talking about, check it here!

The night was amazing! After dinner with my parents and some family friends near the river, my friends arrived and we walked around (always getting hit by the loud, funny hammers) until midnight, when the fireworks started.

And here you can watch a little video of the show with me and my friends.

Afterwards we crossed the bridge to the other side, like a loooot of other people. It took us an hour to walk a distance that we usually walk in five minutes!! But it was a lot of fun because we were all together and everyone was singing and screaming and partying in the crowd.

Did you went to Oporto for São João? Or are you from another country? What are the popular parties there, then? We want to know all about it in the comments below!

Xoxo, Rita.
The White Tulips:
Instagram: @the_white_tulips
Twitter: @the_whitetulips

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