"São João"


So, our final exam was today (yay) and we have a great opportunity to celebrate it!

Today here in Oporto (north of Portugal) we have a party called São João that if translated literally would mean Saint John. 

It's a popular party that happens in the night between the 23th and the 24th of June, so it is tonight!

The heart of the party is on the river banks of Rio Douro. 

There are a lot of traditions related to this party, and tourists usually find it really funny! 

    - All houses are decorated with balloons, and other colorful ornaments.

    - The typical food for São João's dinner is grilled sardines (typical Oporto food)

    - Everyone carries a plastic hammer and hits other people with it (not in an hurtful way). Usually boys hit the girls they find pretty, it is a way of getting to know someone!

    - A lot of people also take some leek flowers (that are really smelly) and wave it around people's heads.

    - Then, everyone launches little colorful hot air balloons, normally with their group of friends or with their family. It is always a thrill to see how far it can go without burning and falling.

    - And then, for the big finale at mid-night, there are amazing fireworks in the bridge. 

Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of my night!
What are the traditional parties where you live? Tell us all about it in the comments!
Xx, Rita :)
The White Tulips:
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Twitter: @the_whitetulips

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